Easiest Record Management Software In The Market!
Download, sign up and start managing your business
Furniture Resellers
Tile & Granite Resellers
Warehouse Wholesalers
Supply Chain B2B & More

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Create an account to start your 14 day trial to see if it fits your needs. No credit card required
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Start managing your business and taking advantage of M&M RMS
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Features To Boost Your Business
Real Time Data Sync
Run the app from as many devices as you like and get real time updates on all devices when any changes are made.
Manage & Track Multiple Inventory Locations
Keep track of items that are on the floor, warehouse or at a different location and sell from anywhere you are
Create Special Orders For Non-Stock Items
Sell items that need to be ordered with a vendor and keep track of the order status from placed to received
Schedule Customer Delivery & Pickup Dates
Stay prepared by tracking your customer appointments. Print a detailed schedule summary and never miss an item
Capture Electronic Signatures
Get rid of paper clutter and save money by sending electronic invoices. Your customers can review and sign the electronic invoice.

A lot More Features With Over 20 Add-Ons!
New add-ons are always being developed and added to the system
Straight Forward Pricing
Get started for free and then customize with Add-Ons that matters to you
- Manage unlimited inventory items
- Manage expenses paid out
- Create unlimited invoices
- Send electronic invoices
- Create vendor special orders
Do more and with Add-Ons